
2024 Term Dates

Term 1

Begins – 29th January
Last Day of Term – 28th March

Term 2

Begins – 15th April
Last Day of Term – 28th June

Term 3

Begins – 15th July
Last Day of Term – 20th September

Term 4

Begins – 7th October
Last Day of Term – 20th December (Student’s Last Day is 19th December)


All Beaumaris Primary School students are to wear the school uniform. This aims to foster a sense of community, belonging and pride.

School uniforms can be purchased from Primary School Wear, either online or visiting their store at 1 Age Street, Cheltenham.

Alternatively, our Parent Club have created a Facebook group for the exchange of second-hand uniform items. Search ‘Beaumaris Primary Second-Hand Uniform’ in your Facebook
search field to find the group.

Lunch Orders

Lunch orders for students can be ordered through an external provider, TK Tuckshop.

TK Tuckshop is available five days a week.

Students, parents and carers can access their menu and ordering system via their app – Spriggy Schools. Lunch orders are delivered directly to our school.

Compass Parent Portal

The Compass Parent Portal is our main tool for communication between parents and the school. Compass is available to log in through both an app and their website.

After you receive your specific login details when enrolling at our school, you will be able to access the Parent Page to:

  • Report absences
  • Find information about payments
  • Learn about upcoming events, including incursions and excursions
  • Provide consent for upcoming events
  • Follow the school newsfeed, which shares information and communications regarding events happening at Beaumaris Primary
  • Book appointments for Parent Teacher Interviews

TeamKids (OSHC)

TeamKids operates our Before and After School Hours Care Program (OSHC), which is held onsite here at Beaumaris Primary School. 

The program operates from 7:00am to 8:45am (before), and from 3:30pm to 6:00pm (after) Monday to Friday during school terms. There are several curriculum days during the year, as well as school holiday programs, where the program will operate from 7:00am to 6:00pm.

When children join the team, not only are they able to explore their world through our designated activity zones and TeamKids Clubs, but they’ll get to connect, collaborate and learn with others in a supportive and nurturing environment that fosters their individuality and own unique interests.

They’ll also enjoy an incredible menu, jam-packed with nutritious and delicious food. One thing is for sure, your child will not go hungry.

From the moment you walk through the door, TeamKids provides an atmosphere that is welcoming, relaxed and inclusive. At every opportunity, they aim to promote child agency and help to shape their innate leadership skills through a variety of in-house leadership opportunities and fun, engaging rewards programs.
TeamKids offer industry-leading educator to child ratios of 1:10 (industry standard is 1:15), resulting in safer, better supervised experiences for all involved.
All programs are fully approved under the National Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
To find out more, register or book, Click Here

Frequently Asked Questions

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To notify us of student absences, either on the day due to illness or in advance for family holidays, parents and carers are asked to record the absence through Compass. Alternatively, please ring the school office on 9589 2619.

School uniforms can be purchased from Primary School Wear, either online or visiting their store at 1 Age Street, Cheltenham. Please see further information on our website, click here.

Our lost property is located in the corridor outside the art room. You can access this before or after school, or students can check lost property during the school day. Please remember to label all belongings so that lost property can be returned.

Please email us at Beaumaris.ps@education.vic.gov.au. Your email will be forwarded on to the relevant staff member and they will be able to arrange a time to meet or to give you a call.

Most school communication, such as our Stop Press Newsletter, excursion and incursion details, event information, reminder messages, etc, will be sent via Compass each Thursday. This helps families know to expect important information to be communicated on the same day every week.

Student reports are shared, via Compass, twice a year – at the end of Term 2, and at the end of Term 4.

Student reports are available on Compass, until they graduate in Year 6. When your child finishes Year 6, please ensure you download a copy of their reports for your future reference.

Parent Teacher interviews occur twice a year, early in Term 1 and early in Term 3.

Our Stop Press school newsletter, which comes out fortnightly on a Thursday, has a school calendar with upcoming dates. Important dates can also be found in Compass on the calendar. Please access our Stop Press newsletters here

Lunch orders can be placed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday through an external provider, Classroom Cuisine. Classroom Cuisine delivers the lunches directly to our school, labelled with your child’s name and class details in an environmentally friendly, temperature controlled tub. 

The Classroom Cuisine website is: https://classroomcuisine.com.au/

Information on how to register and place a lunch order can be found in the ‘How it Works’ section of the Classroom Cuisine website.

The Classroom Cuisine lunch order menu can be found here.

Our school currently runs five specialist lessons that are Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Japanese, Environmental Science and Sustainability, and Physical Education. All students in Prep to Year 6 participate in these programs weekly, with each lesson running for 50 minutes.

Yes, our camp program runs from Year 3 to Year 6.

Our Year 3 students go on camp for one night.

Our Year 4 students go on camp for two nights.

Our Year 5 students go on camp for three nights.

Our Year 6 students go on camp for four nights.

To support both the Digital Technologies curriculum, and the development of 21st century learning skills, our students use either (or both) iPads and laptops from Prep to Year 6. The technology is used as a tool to support the learning, and doesn’t replace the use of pen and paper. The frequency and purpose of the technology used increases as the students move from Prep to Year 6. Our school has iPads and laptops that students in Prep to Year 3 use, and a BYOD laptop program in Years 4 to 6.

Our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program runs in Years 4, 5 and 6. The Learning with Technologies portal website is https://beaumarisps.orderportal.com.au/. Please access our BYOD page for more information. 

Yes, we have a school library that all students from Prep to Year 6 visit weekly.

In our fortnightly newsletter, Stop Press, each year level writes a section called ‘What’s Happening’. In the year level’s What’s Happening, they outline the focus in wellbeing, literacy, maths and inquiry, as well as any other relevant information for that year level for the fortnight ahead. You are also welcome to chat with our teachers before or after school, or to arrange a time to speak with them by emailing us at Beaumaris.ps@education.vic.gov.au.

Yes, TeamKids runs a before and after school hours program (OSHC) here at our school. The program operates from 7:00am to 8:45am (before), and from 3:30pm to 6:00pm (after) Monday to Friday during school terms. There are several curriculum days during the year, as well as school holiday programs, where the program will operate from 7:00am to 6:00pm on these days. Please visit the TeamKids section on our website to find out more. 

Our staff are outside to supervise students from 8:45-9am, and again from 3:30-3:45pm. If your child is left unattended in the yard before or after those times, they will need to either attend our OSHC program with TeamKids, or wait for you at the school office.

Yes, it can be stored safely in our bike shed. The entrance to this is on Herbert Street. Our bike shed is locked during school hours, and is left unlocked overnight.

Please come to our school office and let our office staff know. They will ask you to complete a Medication Authority form and will ensure the medication is stored safely and the student receives the medication at the required time.

Towards the end of each school year, our office staff will send a Stationery Order Form via Compass for each family. Our supplier, KAKA Kids, will then deliver ordered stationery packs to the school over January, ready for the start of the new school year.

Our School

Our School Zone

2025 Prep Enrolments

How to Enrol



Inquiry and Developmental Learning

Learning Support and Enrichment

Our Specialist Subjects


BYOD Program

2024 Term Dates

Parent Payments

Stop Press Newsletters